2 May 2023Interview
Interview with Chefs: Beautiful Mexico and Berenice Cooking
Welcome the guild Beautiful Mexico and Berenice Cooking as the new guest of our regular interview column! Please read it: they have a lot of interesting stories to tell you! 😊
👩🦰Hi! Please say a couple of words about your guild and introduce its members!
👩🍳I'd definitely use the words "friendship" and "respect" to describe our guild. Our bonds are really strong, and I love these girls like we've known each other for ages! They are amazing people 🥰 Our current members are:
Admins: Gise and me, Berenice
Mods: Mel, Dori, and Vivi
Members: Ceci, Kore, Kel, Cintia, Elena, Maru, María, Josey, Sari, Cris, Nikka, Isa, Ale, Gen, and Mopcin (he's the only guy here!).
👩🦰Did any of your guild members meet each other offline? Or are you planning for this to happen?
👩🍳Vivi and Cris were going to meet in real life, but they couldn't do it in the end... We're still waiting for a pic of them both together! 🤗
👩🦰What do you feel is special about your guild? Is there anything that you are particularly proud of?
👩🍳We're proud of a lot of things: our friendship, the respect we show each other, and how much we care for and support every single member!
👩🦰Who is your newest guild member and how often do you invite new members to your guild (if you do, of course)? Are there any secrets to helping newbies feel welcome?
👩🍳Cintia and Mopcin are our newest members and they're an amazing addition to the guild.
👩🦰And who is the person who has been in the guild for the longest?
👩🍳Dori, our mod, was the first one to join the guild, and Mel joined right after her.
👩🦰Tell us about the most skilled player that you have in the guild! If they don't mind, they could share with us the secret of their success! 😉
👩🍳We have a lot of skilled members, but Mel is the one who has always been there for us! I love you, Mel! 😍
👩🦰Did you face any challenges handling the guild? How do you usually overcome them?
👩🍳Yes, we have actually faced quite a few when trying to stay in the league and in the TOP 😅 But we overcame some of them by joining forces and playing as much as we could!
👩🦰If your guild could change or add something in Cooking Diary, what would it be?
👩🍳Our members said a lot of things, but I only remember a few of them... 😅
They'd like to be able to spend blue banknotes on clothes or something like that, get megaphones with clothes we don't have, spend coins from previous districts... They did name quite a lot of suggestions.
👩🦰Now please say a couple of words to other players, if you'd like to!
👩🍳I'm proud to be part of the Cooking Diary community. Come play if you wanna have fun! This game is just amazing, and I love it ❤️
👩🦰Thank you so much for the amazing interview! 😍