Tasty Hills Residents / Andy
Andrew Martin Theorius III

Personality: eccentric, peculiar and slightly mad
Occupation: scientist
Hobby: coffee making, reviewing gadgets
Andy`s brain generates ideas 24 hours a day, even when he is dreaming! Despite his extraordinary talent, he has never received any prestigious awards, because not one of his brilliant projects was ever completed… or successful.
Question & Answer
A: Anything from molecular gastronomy, and chemex coffee.
A: I've developed an artificial intelligence that answers your questions instead of me.
A: The egg! Or the chicken. Or the egg... Hmm, I should look into this later...
A: Not a single eater has yet managed to defeat my Goodies Devourer SRL-CC! So I think it's the most famous.
A: Aristotle's Sandals. I dream of inventing a perpetual motion machine for a time machine!
A: Science and love are the two poles of one magnet. One day, I'll be able to find a way to overcome this law of physics!
A: Of course, there are lots of them! And each has a name: Andrew I, Andrew II, Andrew III... Wow, this one has the same name as me!
A: My brain! I just couldn't help but develop my natural talents.
A: No, that’s why I’m thinking of cloning myself. Just imagine what several Theoriuses are capable of!
A: Easy as pie! The answer is i<3u. Ugh, I'm blushing...